Following Monday evening’s AGM, the Avalon Soccer Club is delighted to confirm the make-up of it’s Executive Committee to take the club forward into the 2023 season.
President John Kowtan (JK) was re-elected unopposed to continue a near 25 year association with the club as a player, coach, committee member and President. Stuart Randall will serve as Vice President of the club and Competition Secretary for 2023, replacing Mark Thain who stepped down at the end of the season.
On the women’s side of the club, Jud Harrison will serve as Senior VP with Anthony Ritchie moving to women’s Youth VP.  All remaining EC members have returned to their roles for the new year. We thank all departing committee members for their service and wish them well for the future.
On the General Committee side, vacancies currently exist for a MPIO, Media Manager, Sponsorship Manager, and two Assistant Registrars, as well as a handful of age coordinator

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