Top 3 Places Around Avalon to Call for Health Food Deliveries to Your Home

Photo Credit: silviarita/Pixabay

Although staying at home reduces your risk of contracting COVID-19, the disruption in your daily activities due to the lockdown could lead to unhealthy eating habits. To maintain a healthy diet, you’ll need a regular supply of greens, sprouts and fruits. Here are three shops to conveniently order nutritious food from if you live in Avalon. 

Omsai Ayurveda

This specialty kitchen is managed by Nettie who took courses on Ayurvedic Medicine at Nature Care College. She also trained under Ayurvedic chef Hale Pule and Dr Adjit, Australasia’s most experienced Ayurvedic doctor. 

The food from Omsai Ayurveda makes use of wholesome medicinal herbs and spices. Nettie’s meal plans are often customised for her client’s dietary needs and will benefit new mums, people living or working at high-stress levels, as well as those with digestive issues, and fatigue conditions. Inquire about her meal plan here.

The Fruitful Boxes

Avalon locals Tony and his wife Gloria are behind The Fruitful Boxes and as the name implies, their business is anchored on delivering boxes of fruits and vegetables for families who love to eat healthily. The idea for their business started years ago at their children’s soccer matches, where many parents kept asking for fruit boxes for their kids as well. 

Today, the store delivers a variety of fruit boxes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday around the Northern Beaches. Some of the packages include yogurt, freshly squeezed juices, or bread. Order online and secure a delivery schedule. 

Forage Gourmet Edibles 

Another family-owned business, Forage Gourmet Edibles has partnered with Urban Green Sydney to supply fresh edible plants to restaurants, cafes, and the Sydney Market from its own sprawling farm in Terrey Hills. 

If you need a steady supply of herbs and flowers for your homecooked meals, the shop has a regular pick-up schedule every Thursday and Friday at The Deli Bilgola on Plateau Road. You may place your order online or email for enquiries.

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