Premises in Avalon Beach Are Among One Million Additional Homes and Businesses to Be Eligible for NBN Full-Fibre Upgrade

Premises in Avalon Beach Are Among One Million Additional Homes and Businesses to Be Eligible for NBN Full-Fibre Upgrade

One million additional homes and businesses across Australia, including premises in Avalon Beach, will be eligible for a full-fibre upgrade as part of NBN Co’s ongoing upgrade program.

National Broadband Network (NBN) and the Australian Government have recently announced the rollout of additional homes and businesses that will get an upgrade to full-fibre broadband connection by ordering an eligible wholesale speed tier (with up to 58 per cent located in regional areas and the rest in metro areas)

A full-fibre broadband connection offers access to higher speed tiers which means a better and more reliable internet experience including faster downloads and uploads, faster game upgrades, and faster streaming. 

NBN Co said that it expects eligible homes and businesses within these suburbs will be able to access a full-fibre broadband upgrade from 2024 whilst the remaining locations to be upgraded are expected to be announced by early 2024.

Up to 10 million premises across Australia or about 90 per cent are targeted to get access to NBN Home Ultrafast with wholesale download speeds of 500 Mbps to close to 1 Gps by the end of 2025.

To trigger an upgrade, customers at eligible premises need to place an order with a retailer which is based on one of NBN’s three highest residential wholesale speed tiers.

“Today’s announcement is good news for customers living and working in more than one million homes and businesses across Australia because they will soon be able to access the fastest residential speeds available on the nbn network,” Kathrine Dyer, Chief Operating Officer at NBN, said. 

“We are unlocking social and economic benefits across Australia by pushing fibre deeper into communities. Fibre is inherently more capable of delivering faster upload and download speeds, is generally more reliable than copper connections and reduces our ongoing maintenance and operating costs.

“So far, we have identified the suburbs and towns across Australia where customers living and working in around 3 million premises currently served by nbn Fibre to the Node will be able to access full fibre upgrades by the end of 2025. 

“In just six years data use has tripled on the nbn network – and that exponential growth is expected to continue as customer demands increase to meet new technology.”

To find out if you’re eligible for a full-fibre upgrade register at

New South Wales suburbs and towns where additional homes and businesses will be eligible for full fibre:

  • Adamstown*, Adamstown Heights, Airds, Albury*, Alexandria*, Allambie Heights, Ashmont, Avalon Beach*, Avoca Beach 
  • Bangalee, Bar Beach, Barnsley, Barrack Heights*, Basin View, Bathurst*, Belmont North*, Beresfield, Bilgola Plateau, Blackbutt*, Blackheath, Blayney, Blue Haven*, Bolwarra Heights, Bonnells Bay*, Booragul, Bowral*, Bowraville, Bradbury*, Broadmeadow, Budgewoi, Buff Point*, Bundanoon, Bungendore
  • Calala*, Callala Bay*, Callala Beach*, Campbelltown*, Cardiff, Casino, Castle Hill*, Caves Beach*, Cessnock, Charlestown*, Chinderah, Clyde, Coledale, Cooks Hill*, Coolangatta, Cooma, Coonabarabran, Cooranbong, Corowa*, Cowra*, Cringila, Cronulla*, Crosslands
  • Dalmeny*, Darlinghurst*, Dee Why, Denhams Beach, Double Bay, Dubbo*
  • East Albury*, East Ballina*, East Tamworth, Eden, Edgeworth*, Elderslie*, Eleebana*, Elermore Vale, Epping, Erina*
  • Figtree*, Fingal Head, Forbes, Forster*
  • Gateshead*, Gerroa, Gilgandra, Gladesville, Glen Innes, Glendale, Glenfield Park*, Glenmore Park*, Glenroy, Gorokan*, Goulburn*, Grafton, Granville, Griffith*, Gulgong, Gunnedah, Gwynneville
  • Halekulani, Hamilton*, Harrington, Haywards Bay, Helensburgh, Hillsborough, Hillvue*, Hinchinbrook, Holmesville, Homebush West, Hunters Hill*
  • Islington*
  • Jamisontown, Jerrabomberra*, Jindabyne
  • Kanwal*, Kariong*, Katoomba*, Keiraville*, Kelso*, Kensington, Killingworth, Kincumber*, Kings Langley, Kingscliff*, Kingsford, Kirrawee, Kooringal*, Kotara, Kurri Kurri
  • Lakelands, Lambton*, Laurieton, Lavington*, Leura, Lisarow, Lithgow, Long Beach
  • Macksville, Macquarie Hills*, Maianbar, Maitland*, Maloneys Beach, Mannering Park, Marmong Point, Maryland*, Medowie, Merewether*, Merimbula, Middleton Grange, Mitchell, Mittagong, Mollymook, Mollymook Beach*, Montefiores, Moree*, Moss Vale, Mount Austin, Mount Hutton, Mount Kembla, Mount Warrigal*, Mudgee*, Murwillumbah, 
  • Nambucca Heads, Narara*, Narrabri, Narrandera, Narrawallee, New Lambton*, Niagara 
  • Park, Norah Head, North Albury*, North Batemans Bay, North Kellyville, North Lambton, North Manly, North Nowra*, North Tamworth, Nowra
  • Oak Flats*, Old Erowal Bay, Orange*, Ourimbah, Oxley Vale
  • Parklea, Picton, Port Kembla*, Port Macquarie*, Primbee
  • Quakers Hill
  • Raymond Terrace*, Rhodes, Rozelle, Ruse*, Rutherford*
  • San Remo*, Sanctuary Point*, Scone, Shell Cove, Shoalhaven Heads*, Shortland, Singleton*, Skennars Head, Smithfield*, South Albury, South Bathurst, South Grafton, South Nowra, South Tamworth, South Turramurra, South West Rocks, Speers Point, Spring Farm, St Helens Park*, Stockton, Sunshine Bay, Surfside, Surry Hills, Sussex Inlet*, Swansea
  • Tahmoor, Telarah, Terranora, Terrigal*, Thirlmere, Thirroul*, Thornton*, Thurgoona*, Tuggerah, Tuggerawong, Tumut, Tweed Heads South*
  • Ulladulla*, Umina Beach*
  • Valentine
  • Wadalba, Wagga Wagga*, Waitara, Wallabi Point, Wallsend, Wangi Wangi, Warners Bay*, Warrawong*, Watanobbi*, Wauchope*, Wentworth Falls, West Albury, West Bathurst*, West Kempsey, West Tamworth*, West Wallsend, West Wyalong, Wetherill Park*, Whitebridge, Windale, Windradyne*, Wollongbar, Wollstonecraft, Wombarra, Woodcroft, Woolwich*, Woronora Heights, Wyee, Wyoming*, Wyongah
  • Yamba*, Yass, Young

#Indicates identification of additional footprint in suburbs and towns previously announced as part of NBN Co and the Victorian Government’s co-investment program.

The upgrade program was boosted by the Australian Government’s additional $2.4 billion investment. 

Published 3-March-2023

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